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Plastic Crisis


The Problem with Plastic Water Bottles


Plastic bottles contain Bisphenol A (BPA), the chemical used to make the plastic hard and clear. BPA is an endocrine disruptor which has been proven to be hazardous to human health. It has been strongly linked to a host of health problems including certain types of cancer, neurological difficulties, early puberty in girls, reduced fertility in women, premature labour, and defects in newborn babies – to name a few examples. BPA enters the human body through exposure to plastics such as bottled drinks and cleaning products. It has been found in significant amounts in at-risk groups such as pregnant women’s placentas and growing foetuses. A study conducted last year found that 96% of women in the U.S have BPA in their bodies.


The U.S. is the largest consumer market for bottled water in the world, followed by Mexico, Brazil, and China.


Bottled water companies and beverage producers work together to turn huge profits. Manufacturers of bottled water advertise their products as being of higher quality, purer and safer than tap water, despite the fact that tap water is actually held to more stringent quality standards than bottled water. Some brands of bottled water have been found to be tap water in disguise.

Millions of Americans enjoy the convenience of drinking bottled water daily. Unfortunately, this convenience has turned into a massive waste which is destroying our planet’s ecosystems. Plastic water bottles are overflowing landfills, polluting the streams, rivers and oceans, altering the environment in which we live. Over 60 million plastic bottles wind up in garbage dumps across the country every single day, making an alarming 86% of all produced plastic bottles never recycled. One plastic water bottle takes 700 to 1,000 years to biologically degrade, earning it the status of Toxic Waste. This type of waste is rapidly growing as millions of health-conscious Americans are consuming more and more bottled water.
Countless environmentalists and social activists across the country have started a war against the thriving bottled water industry, which threatens natural wetlands and ways of life. Most of those bottled waters are costly and not as pure as manufacturers claim. The average American spends $1,400 a year drinking bottled water, the majority of which has no significant nutritional advantage over tap water. Environmentalists believe phthalates, or chemical plasticizers, can leach out of certain grades of plastic bottles into the water. Light regulations that bottled water-makers have to abide by thus increases the chances of contamination. Further more, transportation and distribution of bottled water requires consuming 1.5 million barrels of oil and massive amounts of energy. Therefore ecological groups are asking all Americans to cut back or eliminate bottled water usage for the sake of the environment. These groups urge everyone to try and help fight the current plastic water bottle crisis in any way they can.
Investing in a home water-purification system and reusable is an excellent alternative solutions to stop the plastic water bottle crisis. The amount of money and of Earth’s natural resources saved by using an eco-friendly alternative makes it worth the effort. Many health-conscious families already own a water-purification system in their home. By simply investing in a reusable bottle made out of safe non-toxic materials and filling it up with water from your home, anyone can do their part to help the environment.
Mekong - Laos.



Active Hydrogen Alkalized Water, restructured water supplies the body with extra free electrons that can be used to help neutralize disease-causing free radicals. Active Hydrogen Alkalinized Water has an Alkalinized pH along with a strong negative ORP, or Oxidative Reduction Potential, which makes it a very potent antioxidant. Soft drinks, sports drinks, and even most bottled waters have acidic pH and positive ORP. That means they’re actually oxidizing your body and contaminating you with free radicals. Free radicals accelerate aging (wrinkles) and poor health.

How Can Electrolyzed Reduced Water ( ERW ) Help You?





  1. Jhon, M. S., The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Uplifting Press, 2004, pp 58-61.

  2. Mayo Clinic

  3. Batmanghelidj, F. MD, Water for Health, for Healing for Life, Warner Books, 2003.

  4. Whang, S. Reverse Aging 1990, pg. 21.

  5. Warburg, O. On the Origin of Cancer Cells, Science, 1956, Vol. 13, No. 3191, pp. 309-314.

  6. Batmanghelidj, F. MD, Water for Health, for Healing for Life, Warner Books, 2003, pp. 93-94.

  7. Whang, S. Reverse Aging 1990, pg. 51.

  8. Frassetta, L. et al. Age and systemic acid-base equilibrium: analysis of published data, Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 1996. Vol. 51, Issue 1 B91-B99.

  9. Vorobjeva NV, Selective stimulation of the growth of anaerobic microflora in the human intestinal tract by electrolyzed reducing water. Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(3):543-6

  10. Vorobjeva NV,et al. The bactericidal effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on bacterial strains involved in hospital infections. Artificial Organs, 2004 Jun;28(6):590-2.

  11. Pangman, MJ Hexagonal Water: The Ultimate Solution, revised edition. Uplifting Press, 2007, pp 10-13.

  12. Ibid. pg. 9.

  13. Jhon, M.S. The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Uplifting Press, 2004, pg.67.

  14. Ibid. pp. 59-94

  15. Ho, Mae-Wan The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms second edition, World Scientific Publishing, 1998 pp. 170-171.

  16. Ibid. pg. 173.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Pangman, MJ Hexagonal Water: The Ultimate Solution, revised edition. Uplifting Press, 2007, pg. 7.

  19. Ibid. pg. 25.

  20. Whang, S. Reverse Aging 1990, pg. 55

  21. Soyka, Fred, The Ion Effect, Bantam Books, 1991.

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